Saturday, July 17, 2010

En Garde!

Funny thing. I make all kinds of jewelry, but the only type I'll wear are earrings. Necklaces tend to make me hunch over, bracelets get in the way, and don't even get me started on rings. So it's not surprising that I have a jewelry box filled with earrings (and the other random flotsam and jetsam that winds up in there). Unique pieces are my favorites. I have a pair of clock earrings (no, they don't work, unfortunately) that my mother bought me on a family vacation; I absolutely love them. Some women go for flashy bracelets or strings of pearls. While these things are pretty, I've chosen the road less-traveled - and that has made all the difference. Blown glass, intricate details, vintage brass, even chain maille - if it's unique, I'm going to want it.
Just like I want these earrings.

No, I'm not someone with multiple piercings, nor do I consider myself a punker, rocker, biker chick, rockabilly, whatever-you-want-to-call-it. But the idea of sword earrings strikes me as delightfully ironic. I believe women are stronger than they look. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "A woman is like a tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." Jewelry is considered incredibly feminine; swords are the tools of warriors. When the two are combined, it feels like the wearer is saying "I know how to defend myself - and look good doing it!" Though, that could just be me.

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